Hey my name is Ryan, I repair and flip dumped engines and cheap lawn equipment on craigslist as a hobby. I have gone to school for this and I have been doing it for about 13 years now. I am interested in your old unwanted equipment if you are trying to ditch it, and I am interested in repairing yours. Whether its blown, or just wont start from sitting. Most of my experience comes from Briggs & Stratton, Honda's, Honda Clones, Tecumseh's, and Kawasaki's. I also clean and undercoat lawnmowers for $25-$50 depending on deck size. Undercoating will preserve your deck/frame depending on the mower. As far as charging goes, I charge for the parts, then work put into it; I find this work easy and usually I can fix equipment within an hour or three so I do not charge much for labour. I also offer a blade swap for landscaping companies. Shoot me an email, or text and I will get back to you within 12-24 hours or less. I charge a $20 pickup/diagnostic fee upfront
Machines with OBDII are accepted
Electric Equipment is accepted
I DO NOT repair (only replace) lawn tractor transmissions, and I only do carburetor work to single barrel carburetors on bikes and quads.